If you've ever dealt with persistent muscle tension, chronic tightness, or post-surgical pain, you know how frustrating it can be when nothing seems to provide lasting relief. You've tried massage, cupping, scraping, or even a vibration gun at home—but those stubborn knots and trigger points just won’t let up. That’s where dry needling comes in.

Dry needling is a powerful therapy that reaches deeper layers of muscle and tissue that other treatments simply can’t access. Whether you're recovering from a shoulder injury, dealing with a partially torn rotator cuff, or just struggling with chronic pain, dry needling can stimulate your body’s natural healing response in a way that other methods may not.

Unlike traditional soft tissue therapies, dry needling can target deep muscle fibers, joints, cartilage, and even the labrum, depending on where it's applied. By encouraging the body to repair and reset the affected tissue, it helps relieve pain and improve mobility.

Now, if you’ve heard of dry needling before, you may be familiar with the traditional method—where a single needle is used to aggressively work an area, creating discomfort in the process. While some patients tolerate this well, many find it to be too intense. That’s why we take a different approach, using multiple needles to achieve the same therapeutic benefits in a much more comfortable way.

So, is dry needling right for you? If you’ve tried everything else and still aren’t seeing the results you need, it may be worth giving this treatment a shot. Check out our latest video to learn more about why dry needling is one of the most effective therapies we offer!

Dr. John McNeely

Dr. John McNeely

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